I knew it was a lot of work doing a wedding....I was right, we even did all the custom design work for all the elements of the wedding too.
We pulled out my trusty silhouette & we began designing...We had an absolute blast!
The first thing that she said her daughter wanted was a fan program....being that it was going to be outside in Texas in the month of June....it was going to be H.O.T.
So, this was the front of the fan & the custom design that we made! Actually the picture isn't even as nice as it was in real life.
The front & back sides where glued together! We could never leave anything with out a little bling...see the pretty diamond rhinestone for the dot after the B? They turned out beautiful!
Here is the pretty basket all decorated-simple but elegant! I love it! Then we had this brilliant idea to make a cute design of the wedding cake & describe what the layers were going to be! |
Then my gf wanted to make a pretty mail box for the gift cards that guests would be bringing to the wedding! She spray painted it a beautiful gold & bought the cute ornament birds! I couldn't wait to get my hands on this project! We removed the ornament holder portion & decorated the birds then the mailbox!!! I absolutely think this is my favorite thing!
Just before the wedding! |