Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mothers Day Card

Hope everyone had a marvelous Mothers Day!  I know I did.  Here are a few cards that I made for mothers day that I would like to share with everyone. I had to wait to post because some very special people in my life got this card for Mothers Day & I didn't want to spoil it for them.

 There are a few variations and different verses on the inside!

Love the little stamens & pistols!!!  So cute.
All the cards are slightly editions...heehee

 I had a few friends that wanted to purchase a Mothers Day card so I packaged some up with an envelope too!

 This card was another using different flowers...actually I made these flowers for a friend to put on her kitty cats collars.  But I decided to change it up a bit...because when she removed the fabric flowers there would be nothing on the I added some others and now when she removes the ones for her kitty's it would still look pretty!

 Here are the satin flowers up close. One is a slightly darker pink than the other.
En"joi" your day and hope your Mothers Day was wonderful like mine!


  1. Too cute! You have been quite industrious as of late...I struggled to get just two MD cards done and I was a bit late at that! Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. Did you get my last L O N G email?

  2. My creative little ladybug!


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