Thursday, April 14, 2011

In Love with Flowers

This morning I went out and saw my peonies starting to bloom...I'm so excited because last year I only had one bloom on this plant.  This year I have 4 blossoms on this plant.
Here is a close up!
God makes such beautiful things....I'm in awe.

This afternoon, I was walking outside to let my little puppies out & I saw this fellow....he likes his picture being taken.  But look at my peonies...they are really in full bloom and it has only been about 6 hours.


 God is awesome!!!


  1. I agree...those peonies are gorgeous!

  2. Did you see the chameleon? He blends in with the leaves...a perfect match. It reminded me of matching teeth...some time dentistry can't get it that good.


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